We’ve raised more than $60,000 for Misericordia

Posted July 9, 2015



C&K Holdings which includes AV Logistics, C&K Trucking, and Skyline is pleased to announce that they have collectively raised more than $60,000 to benefit Misericordia. This achievement clearly shows that our employees, drivers and management understand the importance of giving back to the community. There are few things more noble than helping the wonderful folks at Misericordia who do such a fantastic job providing an environment and loving home for people with developmental and physical disadvantages.

At Misericordia, they offer a community of care that maximizes potential for persons with mild to profound developmental disabilities, many of whom are also physically challenged.  By serving society’s most vulnerable citizens, Misericordia also serves the families who want the best for them, yet cannot provide it at home.

We thank our drivers, employees, families and management for achieving such a remarkable accomplishment and we look forward to continuing our support in the years ahead.

To learn more about Misericordia, please visit their website misericordia.com